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Russia has approximately 450 state-accredited universities that offer over 17,500 degree programs. The Russian educational system was well-established, much like all other fields. It is intended to create global leaders in all industries. Russian colleges are regarded as among of the top abroad study alternatives. It offers the greatest credentials and job opportunities to international students. So, in case you’re still debating whether or not Russia is a decent destination for international students, here are some reasons:

Earn a globally recognized degree

One of the best education systems in the world is thought to be the one in Russia. Therefore, a student’s degree earned from a Russian university is respected all over the world. Employers around the world regard Russian university degrees in high regard, particularly those in engineering and medicine.

Learn a new language

Over 19 countries have Russian as a native language, and nearly 156.6 million people do so.  It is also the ninth most widely used language in the world. All International students are eligible for scholarships provided by the Russian government. The requirement is that students sign up for some Russian-language classes. Students thus get to study a new language that is extensively used around the world. As they go up the career ladder, this will provide them an advantage over rivals. There are many introductory courses available to aid students in learning the language.

Work while studying in Russia

From the year 2020 onwards, Russia has made it easier for foreign students to thrive while studying. The new law allows students to work without obtaining a work permit while studying here. Students can work for 20 hours per week without an additional work permit. This will make it easier for students to afford tuition fees and living expenses while they study in Russia.