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According to statistics from UNESCO, it is actually the 11th most popular study location in the world, and it is easy to understand why. Here are a few of the reasons we listed about what makes Malaysia such an excellent study destination.

Its rising reputation in higher education global rankings

About ten years ago, Malaysia didn’t have a good reputation as a place to study abroad. Today, though, things are different. The Malaysian government has made significant investments in the nation’s higher education system in recent years with the goal of making Malaysia a major center for education in Southeast Asia and worldwide. Malaysia is one of the greatest countries to study in if you want an internationally recognized degree because the education there will provide you the skills you need for the future.

Rapidly Improving Quality Higher Education

Malaysian universities are advancing quickly and aren’t far behind institutions that offer top-notch education. As a result of Malaysia’s education system and its emphasis on meeting international standards, certain universities now offer computer science and engineering courses that are among the top 100 courses in the world. The Ministry of Higher Education closely monitors educational standards with the goal of making Malaysia a center of excellence for higher education.

Study language

In Malaysia, the majority of universities hold their lectures in English. International students will therefore find it simpler to understand the lectures. Furthermore, there are many language centers and higher education institutions that offer Basic English courses for those who are not proficient in English.